Ellis Goodwyn

writer. farmer. mother. teacher

Not much to see here yet, but I hope to have more in the near future. I’m not sure exactly what this website is going to end up being, but there’s sure to be plenty of:

  • Goat stuff – pics, stories, & anecdotes
  • Writing stuff – my querying journey, things that I’ve learned, short stories, etc…
  • Parenting stuff – I have 4 kids that I home school, so I always have plenty to say on this subject
  • Cat stuff – If you follow me on Twitter, you already know my obsession of taking adorbs pics of my cats. There will most likely be more here.
  • Homesteading – If anyone’s interested, I may do a bit of this. We’ve made tons of mistakes, so maybe I can keep someone else from doing the same by sharing…or just give you a good laugh.

Anyway, I’m glad you stopped by, and I hope you return!

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